Thursday, September 5, 2013

And Jesus still comes


Everything has changed. The country, the language, the food, the traffic and transportation, the school, the time, everything has changed.

Correction, almost everything has changed, because one thing has stayed the same. Jesus still comes.

I was in Mass the other day, doing my best to remain prayerful while trying to follow the Italian, and during the consecration I realized this miracle is universal. Jesus being present never changes. The Lord is and always will be.

I had always known this but to experience the reality and beauty of this truth at such a needed time left a sweet impression on my heart.

I will always have what I need and I will always be okay here in Italy or anywhere in the world for that matter because Jesus still comes.

Just a small 'adjusting to Italy' thought of the day.

1 comment:

  1. YES!!!! I admire you. Keep it up and know that I'm praying for you!
