Saturday, October 12, 2013



I have survived!

Well...I have survived my first week, who is to say how the rest will go.

In all seriousness though, it has a great week. Since my sophomore year of college I knew I did not want to go into a career involving my major (although my double major has helped me out immensely here!), but it was too late to switch plans of study and still graduate on time, not to mention I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.

As I was sitting in my theology class on the first day of school I realized this really is what I want to be doing. This is what the Lord has called me to.

While at the University of Kentucky I was always annoyed when people said real life started after college because my line of thinking then, and still is now, is that we are always living 'real life'. Our lives are no more important post college than they are while in our undergraduate studies, BUT life does feel different.

Deciding to study in Rome was one of the first major life decisions that was not already assumed. I always assumed I would go to college, but throughout my senior year I realized the time after college was my opportunity to figure out what God really wanted to do with my life. This is not to say that God wasn't using my life while I was at UK, he did in many ways, but there was always some sort of restriction because I was a full time undergraduate student. Although I have chosen to continue my academic career, it is based off of discernment and the opportunity to really do anything post-graduation.

With all of that being said, as I went from class to class at Santa Croce this week, I felt so at peace knowing that this is exactly where God wants me right now.

Yes, having all of my classes in Italian is a tad bit overwhelming and adjusting to a new style European style of teaching and lecture is challenging, but in the midst that I know this is where I am supposed to be right now.

Along with classes getting off to a good start, I am also beginning to feel more settled in Rome. I have a group of friends that I am so thankful for, I know my way around the city (especially where adoration is and what Mass times are) more than I did a month ago, and my apartment is finally put together!

Even though I still feel like a 'poser adult' I am starting to appreciate the beauty of life after college. Time keeps marching on in a forward direction at a very rapid pace, so I might as well join the parade and enjoy the adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leslie,
    this is really awesome... all your emotions are beautifully composed and pictured in simple style of writing... it helped me to remember the early days' memories in Rome which i had three years ago... keep writing.... go ahead... we will accompany you with our prayers and friendship.... God bless you... :)
