Saturday, September 28, 2013

How quickly time passes


Yesterday was my last day of the language class offered at Santa Croce, and it ended with a test. Unlike other tests though, this one did not matter. There was no pressure to do well because I am able to start my classes regardless of how I did. I am sure the rest of graduate school will be just as pressure free, right?

In celebration of finishing the language school my super awesome neighbor took one of my friends and me out for lunch at Hard Rock cafe! I have not had beef since moving to Italy, and ya know what, sometimes you just want a honey BBQ bacon cheeseburger. When we walked through the doors of Hard Rock I felt as if I were stepping into America. The waiters spoke english, there were free refills, and 80's rock music videos were playing throughout the restaurant. It is funny how much more I appreciate these things now that they are few and far between.

At lunch we talked about how the first month went and what all is still to come. Part of me feels as if I have lived here for a few years already, and the other part of me can't believe the past month has flown by so quickly. I have been in the country for a month and I have been at the school for about three and a half weeks, but I have not actually started doing what I came here to do.

In the past four weeks I have learned many things, but there are a few that have taken root in my heart.

1. If you say 'Yes' to the Lord, He will take you seriously. This past week I learned my program will take three years as opposed to two. Although I was bummed by the idea of being away from my family and friends for another year I could not help but remember a little conversation I had with the Lord when praying about this whole moving to Rome thing. Basically I said I felt he was calling me to this so time was not an issue and I would just follow him, and he said 'okay'.

2. Friends are of the utmost importance. My friends from home have been so supportive and 'on call' for the past month to make sure everything is going well here, or if they need to send an emergency care package with peanut butter and other such American goods.

I have also been blessed with some wonderful friends here! My number one concern was not being able to speak the language, it was that I wouldn't have any friends. The lay student community here is a tight knit group that has been so welcoming and making friends has not been an issue from day one. I am so grateful for their support and friendship, and I cannot wait for many more wonderful memories to be made! My new roommate is also pretty darn awesome as well!

3.  Always watch where you walk. But seriously...there isn't much grass and people don't pick up after their dogs, so you really do need to watch where you step. This is also not including the random lethal cobblestones that randomly jut out of the street and try to trip you!

All in all, this past month has been full of so many blessings. Sure some days were harder than others, but aside from the challenges which are inevitable, the Lord's providence has never been so evident. He has literally taken care of everything, from finding me an apartment, to helping me understand homilies in Italian when I need some spiritual nourishment for my soul. He is so good.

So, one month down....a lot more to go!

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